Nellie is rock'n and roll'n, heeling 30 degrees or more alternately from port to starboard with the occasional crash of pans and cookware from the gallery as they swing through their pendulum like arc with the movement of the ship.
If this wasn't obvious you could tell the sea conditions by the poor turn out at dinner and the Cookie's offer of seconds including the vanilla ice cream that is desert. Regrettably, there is no sorbet.
The Captain was just on the horn to announce that we are sailing along at 8 to 9 knots under winds of 35 to 40 knots and, if these conditions continue, we will be able to change course 12 hours, having reached the most northerly point of the voyage at the northwest tip of Iceland.
The bad news here for me is that we are on watch again from midnight to 4 am and that will be a cold wind.
Having finished my double serving of vegetable and rice stir fry I'm tucked into my berth with the lee board in place, literally a piece of wood now placed along the outside of my berth to prevent me from rolling out of it.
Time for a nap before watch.
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