Friday, July 14, 2017

Day 36 Midnight Watch

Its 1 o'clock. There is a big,  fat, yellow moon, just past full,  hanging above the stern bringing a silver shine to our wake. The sky is dark, clear and full of stars. As I look up I see an occasional shooting star arc down towards the water.

The wind and waves are calm as Nellie knifes her way through the dark St Lawrence water at almost 8 knots under bare poles, a bone in her teeth from our two Cummins engines. As I look down at our bow wake I see sparkles of bio luminescence scattered in the foam like white chocolate drops in a dark chocolate batter. The faint scent of pine greeted me when I came on deck. 

We chat excitedly about this magic night after so many cold cloudy watches in the watery desert of the sea.

Its 3 am and dawn is cracking the northeast horizon behind the Canadian shore. 

Its great to be me. 

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